Sacred Psychiatry

Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness

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About the Book

Discover holistic approaches to psychiatric healing.

Your previous experience with conventional psychiatry likely consisted of suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals without considering you as a whole person. It’s probable that there was little exploration of the power of the sacred to promote healing, which is especially crucial in our current climate of widespread fear and disconnection.

In Sacred Psychiatry, you will be introduced to a diverse range of holistic approaches to healing. This book offers invaluable guidance on how to develop a personal spiritual practice and highlights the profound significance of fulfilling the soul’s purpose. It illustrates the usefulness of astrology, emphasizes how toxic relationships undermine healing, and showcases the remarkable healing power of food as medicine. Sacred Psychiatry also provides a holistic framework for weaning off of psychiatric pharmaceuticals and highlights treatable but frequently overlooked complex chronic conditions such as mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, is a holistic healer with a private psychiatry and psychoanalysis practice in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certified adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance.

Awards for Sacred Psychiatry:

  • Winner of the Nautilus Award — SILVER Health, Healing, and Wellness
  • National Indie Excellence Award WINNER — Alternative Health & Psychology/Psychiatry
  • San Francisco Book Festival — Runner Up, Religious/Spiritual
  • Eric Hoffer Award — Honorable Mention, Spiritual

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About the Author

Judy Tsafrir, MD

JUDY SUZANNE REIS TSAFRIR, MD, is a holistic healer, activist, artist, and gardener with a private practice of holistic psychiatry and psychoanalysis located in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certified adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance. She has particular interest in combining spiritual and developmental approaches to healing, helping patients wean from psychiatric medications, and treating complex chronic medical conditions that present psychiatrically, including mold toxicity, mast cell activation, and Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome. Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is also offered in her practice. She is a practitioner of a variety of energy healing and esoteric modalities, including flower essence therapy, aroma therapy, astrology, tarot, Shamanism, BodyIntuitive, and Reiki. Spiritually, she is drawn to Animism, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Taoism, and Quakerism. Her practice is dedicated to healing through the integration of heart, mind, body, soul, the biosphere, and the cosmos.

In the Media


New Moon Radio

October 26, 2023

New Moon Radio: Caroline welcomes, fellow Sun Libra, Moon Virgo, Judy Tsafrir,  psychiatrist-astrologer, author of (the forth-coming 1.24) “Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness.

Interview with Heather Ensworth

November 13, 2023

A conversation with Heather Ensworth, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, internationally known astrologer, and shamanic practitioner.

The Natural Wisdom Podcast

December 11, 2023

Meeting on the eve of the New Moon in Sagittarius, Judy and I called on its atmosphere of expansiveness and imagination as she shared how she came to astrology as a ‘gateway’ to her study of the mystery.

BetterHealthGuy Blogcasts

Jan 2, 2024

In this episode, you will learn about "Sacred Psychiatry" and healing through the integration of heart, mind, body, soul, the biosphere, and the cosmos.

The Radiance Project

Jan 5, 2024

Heidi welcomes Judy Tsafrir and celebrates her new book Sacred Psychiatry.

The Embodied Aquarian Age

Jan 17, 2024

Dr. Judy Reis Tsafrir on expanding beyond the limits of mechanistic medicine

The International Journal of Healing and Caring

Jan 18, 2024

Book review by Eric Leskowitz MD: "The title of Dr. Judith Tsafrir’s new book, Sacred Psychiatry, would seem to be a contradiction in terms. It’s been at least a generation since psychiatry abandoned its soul (psyche in Greek) in its quest for the latest medication. But this book does not misfire — it lives up to its provocative paradigm-busting title and its dauntingly wide range of topics. It informs, excites and inspires, because the obvious expertise and experience Dr. Tsafrir has developed while exploring an exceptionally wide range of healing practices serves to fortify the vision of true healing that she describes here."
How to Write a Book logo

Writing About Holistic Psychiatery

February 8, 2024

Holistic Psychiatrist Judy Tsafrir left me starstruck, as I had an amazing time interviewing her. Judy Tsafrir is a holistic healer, activist, artist and gardener with a private practice of holistic psychiatry. She wrote Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness,  a book that provides insight into her journey in Holistic Psychiatry.

Psychiatry and the Soul

March 24, 2024

Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD describes her transformation from a conventional psychoanalyst to a multi-modality psychiatrist who helps her patients get in touch with a larger, healing dimension. She also focuses on lifestyle changes and on chronic diseases that often elude other physicians.

Synchronicity Mirrors: Tarot Cards in Action

March 25, 2024

Look around you. The events of your mind are being mirrored in the multiple sensations coming into your brain. Synchronicity shows us that our minds are embedded in our environments. We are both separate and part of our worlds. Psychiatrist Judy Tsafrir drew a card from a tarot deck composed of trees that mirrored my intent and helped strengthen it. How does this mirroring work? We make our guesses. More important is that it happens and can be helpful to you. Look for the reflections. They are there!


High Energy Health Podcast: Sacred Psychiatry: Judy Tsafrir and Dawson Church in Conversation

July 22, 2024

Judy and Dawson share their perspectives on paying attention to all of the aspects of your being, the roles of food, nutrition, metabolic health, high energy, sleep, why the body thrives on routines like consistently great diet and regular sleep, how the body needs movement and it’s stressed by being sedentary, the importance of sunlight, environmental toxins, emotional Health, spiritual practice: meditation, prayer, gratitude, acts of service, and much more.


Back from the Borderline Podcast: Mending Mind and Spirit: The Path of Sacred Psychiatry with Dr. Judy Tsafrir

July 23, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Tsafrir discusses her transition from traditional to holistic psychiatry, integrating spiritual, environmental, and physical healing practices. She shares insights on the limitations of conventional psychiatry, which often relies heavily on pharmaceuticals and overlooks the holistic integration of the spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions of health. Read more.


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